Game Name: SPACE CUP TABLE TENNIS (SCTT) - Space Cup in Table Tennis.

The rules are simple. A yellow strip of fortune can be seen along the table. For every 5 goals scored, you win and move to the next stage. After a goal is scored or an error, a "white judge" appears and pipes in. After scoring 5 goals, a "blue judge" appears and also declares either victory or defeat. In addition to the usual victory, each stage frees the next prisoner, who is held in the "Black Hole." This is only possible with a full tank of fuel, which is replenished from the energy of successful hits. The enemy seeks to reduce the contents of the tank, by himself mounting an attack on you. As a result, the game ends when all six prisoners are released. (X A N K I M). During the game, helpers appear, who prevent the ball from hitting the ground, in the event of a miss. The game is accompanied by music from 50 different popular midi tracks.



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