We have 100,000 Alexa www.3dgame3d.com - 7 000 visitors per day, 600,000 Alexa www.3dgame3d.com - 1 000 visitors per day.

We can place links to PR - pages of the sites www.3dgame3d.com, www.3dgame3d.com.

PR1 - 10 USD per year per link.
PR2 - 20 USD per year per link.
PR3 - 40 USD per year per link.
PR4 - 80 USD per year per link.

Text on the pages can be changed.

Main page (www.3dgame3d.com) - 40 USD per link per month. Main page (www.3dgame3d.com) - 20 USD per link per month.

Special offer:
1. Banner on all pages www.3dgame3d.com - 25 USD per day. At the top.
2. Banner on all pages www.3dgame3d.com - 10 USD per day. At the top.

Payment: PayPal.

Advertising among developers and advertisers games and programs:
In system www.falcopartners.com

1600 developers and advertisers.

Accepting banner 125x125.
Payment negotiated or affiliate program.

Placing ads before games. 30,000 hits daily.
Price: 300 USD per month.
Banner size: 320x280.
Countries: CIS, Arab, Poland, France, America.
You can select certain regions displaying advertisements.

To contact us: 3dgame3d[dog]gmail.com.